


Snoring Treatment

Snoring is very common especially in adult population. Snoring can be a symptom of underlying sleep-disordered breathing or may be harmless. Patients with snoring require appropriate evaluation. Systematic evaluation includes assessing sleep habits, evaluation for associated comorbidities, upper airway examination, Sleep study and drug-induced sleep endoscopy. Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) ranges from primary snoring to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Snoring occurs as a result of resistance within the upper respiratory tract during sleep. There is collapse of the upper airway in OSA patients leading to snoring. Individuals with snoring are more likely to have OSA than those who do not. Snorers can have nonrefreshing sleep, impaired cognitive function and obstructive sleep apnea with its consequences. Because of snoring the bed partner is unable to sleep because of the noise. Snoring can be worsened by many factors.

Patients with snoring require thorough examination of nose, oral cavity, oropharynx, dental status and morphology of the facial skeleton. Snoring represents a source of noise pollution in the bedroom . Life style factors like reduction of weight, sleep hygiene, avoiding alcohol, smoking cessation, CPAP [Continuous Positive Airway Pressure] therapy , addressing the cause of nasal obstruction and specific postures can decrease the snoring.

At Kovai Chest and Sleep Centre, we specialize in providing effective and tailored treatments to help you to overcome snoring. We help you to identify the cause and severity of your snoring. We develop personalized treatment plans based on the underlying cause of your snoring. If you or your partner struggles with snoring, don't hesitate to seek help.